
From ITfC Annual Report 2014-15

1. Gurumurthy, Anita (forthcoming), New Cartographies of the Digital Commons – going by Feminist Wisdom, “Labouring Women”, India: Orient Blackswan.

2. Gurumurthy, Anita, Chami, Nandini and Thomas, Sanjana (forthcoming), Digital India: Whose India? Whose Agenda?, Journal of Information Policy.

3. Gurumurthy, Anita and Chami, Nandini (2015), 'ICTs and political participation'. In: Peng Hwa Ang and Robin Mansell. ed. The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

4. Singh, Parminder Jeet (forthcoming), ‘A digital Indian Revolution from below’. Delhi: Brookings India.

5. Singh, Parminder Jeet (2015), ‘Fork in the Road to the Future of Global Governance of the Internet’, Digital Debates, Observer Research Foundation and Global Policy Journal,

6. Singh, Parminder Jeet. (forthcoming), ‘Examining the current moorings and future directions of Internet governance in India’ An article for Internet Policy Journal of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania,

7. Singh, Parminder Jeet (2015), Why is India a follower in CyberSpace when it can lead?,

8. Singh, Parminder Jeet (2015), In the land where democracy was born, a historic chance for its affirmation,

9. Chami, Nandini (2015), Annotations – Digital Activism in Asia Reader, Luneberg: Meson Press,

10. Singh, Parminder Jeet (2015),‘Net Neutrality is basically internet egalitarianism’, Economic and Political Weekly,

11. Singh, Parminder Jeet (2014),‘Global Internet Governance: a developing country perspective’ ,

12. Gurumurthy, Anita and Chami, Nandini (2014) ‘New readings of the tea cup – revisiting gender justice in the information society’, Post-2015 Women’s Coalition,

13. Gurumurthy, Anita and Chami, Nandini (2014), Gender Equality in the Information Society: A review of current literature and recommendations for policy and practice, UK: BRIDGE,